Frequently Accessed Tutorials

Biolink Setting Section

All your biolink settings are located in this section, which includes the following items:

  • Preset themes: You can edit your biolink background preset or choose from several backgrounds.
  • Customizations: You can customize biolink’s background and your biolink’s favicon. Also, can change font and modify block adjustments.
  • Verified Badge:In this section, you can request a confirmation badge for your biolink page and choose where should place the “Verified” badge.
  • Branding: In this section, you can change the branding of your biolink page. (This option is not allowed in free packages).
  • Pixels: Social media platforms and online advertisers use tracking pixels to gather data about user interactions. This information helps them analyze the effectiveness of their campaigns, target specific audiences, and measure the success of advertising efforts. you can define your traking pixels in this section.
  • UTM Parameters: UTM parameters, short for Urchin Tracking Module parameters, are specific tags added to a URL to track and analyze the performance of a marketing campaign or the source of website traffic. These parameters are typically used in digital marketing and analytics to provide more detailed information about the origin of a link click. You can define you UTM Parameters in this section.
  • Protection: You can protect your biolink with password and also “Sensitive content warning” announcement.
  • SEO: In this section you can setup your biolink’s SEO parameters.
  • Advanced: You can modify biolnk’s advanced setting like: project assignment, define splash page, Leap link (redirect your biolink to another address) and customize CSS & add your JS to your biolink page.


Access to some of these features is different in the packages.

What are your feelings
Updated on 9 January 2024
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